Our Stories Making a Collective Impact
Interview with Executive Director Mari Hutchinson Step2 provides comprehensive, coordinated services related to the treatment and recovery of chemically dependent women and their families, resulting in sustainable self-sufficiency.
Interview with Executive Director Anne Schiller For nearly 30 years, CARE Chest has been re-using durable medical equipment, putting our community’s resources into action. We have provided over 127,000 individual services in Northern Nevada ...
Interview with Executive Director Annie Goni-Stewart We know the impact of our funding goes beyond helping the child. We relieve emotional and financial stress to the parent(s) and caregivers which in turn helps the teacher, employer, extended fam...
Interview with co-founder Carol Reitz Giving hope to individuals and families in Nevada affected by neurodevelopmental disorders, including but not limited to autism, by providing education, support and/or opportunities that will have a meaningful...
Interview with Executive Director Pam Russell The Women and Children’s Center of the Sierra (WACCS) provides services to support women as they work to move out of poverty and improve their lives. Our comprehensive approach includes ESL and GED (...
Interview with Executive Director Sarah Gleich Improving the lives of children and adults affected by diabetes through prevention, education and service. Until there is a cure, we are here to help.
Interview with Executive Director Vivian Ruiz Disability Resources works with people with disabilities to enhance their overall quality of life by helping them feel important and special and most importantly a valued member of the team. Our agency...
Interview with Executive Director Jolene Dalluhn. Quest provides outpatient evidence-based therapy for adults and adolescents with substance abuse, mental health and co-occurring disorders. We are committed to providing quality client care in an e...
Interview with Executive Director Joe Dufur. We strive to help kids and adolescents identify their positive and healthy coping skills, improve decision making, and set goals for their success through free youth advising.